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来源:今日招聘 | 发布时间:2023-06-29 21:44:48 |  访问:8034

南京大学工程管理学院是在南京大学实施 文、理、工、医协调发展 的战略背景下成立的一所朝气蓬勃、奋发向上的年轻学院。学院前身是成立于2001年的 南京大学管理科学与工程研究院 ,2003年撤研究院成立 工程管理学院 。学院拥有管理科学与工程一级学科博士学位授予点和博士后流动站及控制科学与智能工程二级学科硕士点。管理科学与工程学科2006年入选江苏省一级重点学科,2014年和2018年入选江苏省优势学科建设工程(第二期和第三期)。学院还拥有工程管理、金融硕士和控制工程三个专业硕士学位授予点,同时设置有工业工程、金融工程、自动化三个本科专业,以及计算机与金融工程实验班和工业智能与系统集成实验班,形成了本科、硕士、博士完整的人才培养体系。









1. 遵守中华人民共和国法律和法规,热爱教学科研事业;

2. 具有良好的师德师风,恪守学术道德,勤勉工作,无犯罪记录,无违反师德师风和学术道德惩处记录;

3. 一流的学术背景:具有相关学科领域的博士学位,具有一流教学科研机构的学习、工作经验,熟悉相关领域国际前沿的研究动态。其中准聘副教授要求博士毕业从事学术研究两年及以上;

4. 出色的教学能力:应具有能够胜任本专业核心基础课程和前沿课程的教学能力,掌握良好的教学方法,具有较强的语言表达能力;

5. 突出的科研成果显示度与未来科研发展潜力:应有相关研究方向的成果显示度,对相关研究领域有原创性观点,未来研究计划思路清晰,具有较好的学术潜力。


1. 岗位申请信(应明确申报的研究方向、具体岗位)

2. 详细个人简历(含已发表学术成果目录)

3. 研究成果与创新性

4. 研究计划与研究潜力

5. 三封推荐信

6. 教学经验



1. 事业编制岗位或参照事业编制聘用

2. 实行年薪制(具体另行商定)

3. 科研启动经费

4. 研究生招生

5. 学校提供短期周转住房和住房补贴,获聘人可优惠购买学校提供的商品房

6. 协助子女就读小学和中学







电子邮箱:njuwy@nju.edu.cn (邮件主题标明为 姓名+应聘岗位+今日招聘网 )


Tenure-Track/Tenured Faculty Openings in School of Management and Engineering, Nanjing University, China

I. About the School

The School of Management and Engineering (SME) is a young and vigorous school established when Nanjing University was striving for the coordinated development of arts, science, engineering and medicine. SME dates back to the university s Institute of Management Science and Engineering, which was founded in 2001. It was then changed into the School of Management and Engineering in 2003.

Currently, SME has a doctoral degree program in management science and engineering and a master program in control science and intelligent engineering. SME s management science and engineering has been selected into Jiangsu Province s first-level key disciplines in 2006, and as the advantageous discipline of Jiangsu Province in 2014 and 2018. SME also offers three professional master programs in engineering management, finance and control engineering, three bachelor s majors in industrial engineering, financial engineering and automation, and two undergraduate inter-disciplinary programs in computer science and financial engineering, industrial intelligence and systems integration. They form a complete talent training system for undergraduate, master s and doctoral students.

SME s faculty enjoys a diverse and high-level academic background. It has a total of 50 faculty members, including 1 Chang Jiang Scholars, 1 winner of National Science Fund for Outstanding Young Scholars, 1 Chang Jiang Young Scholars and 3 winners of National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars. SME pays special attention to international cooperation and exchange and has developed partnership with Oxford University, National University of Singapore, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and other universities, and host several international joint programs, which create large academic and social international influences in related fields.

II. Description of Openings

SME at Nanjing University invites applications for new faculty positions in the disciplines of Management Science and Engineering, Control Science and Engineering, etc. A total of three positions this year including tenure-track associate professors and tenure-track assistant professors are to be recruited. The applicants from high-level talents with exceptionally outstanding records are also accepted and the positions will be negotiated on a case-by-case basis. The candidates are expected to teach and research in the following (but not limited to) areas:

(1) Complex Project Management

(2) Financial Technology and Financial Engineering

(3) Operations and Supply Chain Management

(4) Smart Manufacturing and Smart Decision

III. Conditions for Application

The applicant should

(1) Abide by the laws and regulations of the People s Republic of China, and have a passion for teaching and research;

(2) Abide by the ethics of teachers, uphold academic integrity, be willing to work diligently, and have no criminal record or record in breaching the ethics of teachers and/or academic integrity;

(3) Have a first-rate background in academic training specifically, a PhD in relevant disciplines, experience in studying and/or working at first-rate teaching and research institutions, and knowledge of the latest international trends and development in the relevant research field(s); In principle, tenure-track associate professors are required to have graduated with a PhD degree and engaged in teaching and research for more than 2 years;

(4) Have outstanding teaching abilities the applicant should be able to teach core and frontline courses in the corresponding discipline, and have sound teaching methodology and strong verbal skills;

(5) Demonstrate outstanding research output and potential the applicant should have publications in his/her field of research, original ideas about relevant fields of research, a clear vision about future research plans, and good potential for further academic development.

IV. Supporting Materials for Application

(1) A letter of application (please specify the field of research and position applied for);

(2) A detailed CV (please include a list of publications);

(3) An introduction of your research results and their innovative significance;

(4) A plan for research and its prospects;

(5) Three reference letters;

(6) An account of experience in teaching.

Please provide both Chinese and English Version of the above application materials (except for reference letters) and login to the talent recruitment platform of Nanjing University (http://zp.nju.edu.cn/) to submit.

V. Compensation Package and Support

A successful applicant will be provided with:

(1) An annual salary (to be worked out individually);

(2) A start-up fund for research;

(3) Qualification to supervise graduate students;

(4) The university provides short-term lodging and housing subsidies. Applicants recruited can purchase commercial housing offered by the university at a special discount;

(5) The university provides assistance with children s schooling at primary and secondary school levels.

VI. Application Deadline

Application deadline: September 27, 2023

The application period will be extended appropriately if the number of the applicants for single postition is relatively small.

Expected date of announcement of application results: The end of December, 2023.

VII. Contact Details

Tel.: +86 (0)25-83597496 (Mr. Wang)

Email: njuwy@nju.edu.cn

Website: https://sme.nju.edu.cn/main.htm




推荐:更多南京大学工程管理学院2023年度准聘长聘教师岗位招聘公告 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


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